Box club

Opening hours

In the season 2023/2024 we train in following hours at Seifertova street 49, Praha 3 in the building of FitTop studio:

Monday: 20:00 - 21:30
Tuesday: 19:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 19:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 19:00 - 20:30
Friday: 19:00 - 20:30
Saturday: 18:00 - 19:30
Sunday: 17:50 - 19:30


  • Já byl frajer kluk is a great new book about the life of our trainer Standa Tišer. You can buy it in the gym, in every bookshop or HERE.
  • We are silver at the National Championship in women's lightweight.
  • The second edition of Box Club Žižkov Boxing Exhibition was a great success. Thank you!


Dec07 National boxing league
TJ Spoje, Prague

Dec10 Our trainer Stanida Tišer will be the guest of
Žižkov talks in Prague 3 Information centre

Where you can find us and info


FitTop studio at Seifertova street 49, Praha 3 - Žižkov.
Telephone: Stanislav Tišer: +420 775 950 539

  • We invite you to practice boxing with the trainer Stanislav Tišer, an experienced boxer who represented Czechoslovakia and holds several Czech championship titles in boxing
  • Come and see that you can learn technical type of fighting and beautiful fist fencing in a short time!
  • Your condition will improve and you will gain healthy self-confidence.
  • We invite athletes and non-athletes, women and men of all ages to practice boxing every day.
  • In our boxing school there are boys and girls and no one who does not want to is forced to compete with anybody. During the training you don't need to be in personal contact with other gymnasts. The motoric elements of boxing workout are the perfect way to achieving slender figure.
  • Tišer’s school of boxing is also open through all national holidays. Come to exercise with your son or daughter!
  • There is a possibility to compete in junior or senior category of National Boxing League.
  • The atmosphere in Boxclub Žižkov is friendly. One of the greatest advantage is that you can train (workout) whenever ir suits you. You will find beginners and advanced boxers training together and learning from each other.
  • You will see that in one month you can learn many things. Your condition and technique will be better and better very quickly. You will notice improvement in a very short time!